
Unintended Consequences

For whatever reason, I get a kick out of C's verbal ability. I like to teach him the answers to questions he can't really understand. I know it's just a parlor trick, but I find it funny.

He has a Michael Jordan's kid's book, and he loves it. So, I tought him that when he is asked "Who is the best basketball player ever," he should answer "Michael Jordan." Just last night he 'learned' that the answer to "Who's cool?" is "Fonzie."

He also has a book that is basically pictures that accompany "Love Me Tender." So I taught him to say "Elvis" when asked "Who's the king?" For whatever reason, he's been reading an Easter book that his Aunt and Uncle gave him. So A pointed out that in the book, they say that Jesus is the king.

Calvin's response? "No, Elvis is the king." You can't make this stuff up.

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