
What day is it?

So I guess it's a holiday. That's what they tell me. I know I had to go to work, so it must not be a major holiday, right? I am a non-conformist, so I am irritated that I am told to tell people I love them because of the calendar. But Valentine's day started as a fertility ritual where people would run around naked; so it's not all bad.

I think it's clear I love my wife. I just don't do well communicating it in a $4 card once a year. I hope she forgives me.


Last night was a pre-book club meeting for DearWife and friends. I didn't really understand why exactly a book club needed a pre-meeting. DearWife told me cooly that it was to decide on the rules, and what book they would start with. I know what you're thinking. Why not Email?

The boys and I watched Madagascar. LittleBrother kept saying "I'm Gloria" and then shouting "that's me that's me" whenever she came on screen. I snuck down and stole some snacks as the boys were going to bed, and strangely enough, I didn't hear much book talk. I think it was more chatting about kids. But they were having a good time and drinking some wine.

Afterward, I asked DearWife how it went. We're reading a book about women in China that had their feet bound and communicated with fans. pause "I'm not doing it justice, it really sounds interesting."

Oh, of course it does. And the rules?

When we are at the neighbors' house, we have to talk about the book for more than 15 minutes, because Keith will think it's just an excuse to drink wine and talk about our kids.


Kelsgarden said...

oh, yes - but when the kids get older we don't even bother calling it "book club" anymore -

we have never taken to the whole February 4th is a holiday thing either - dismissing with even the formality of cards - except, of course, for the 50 cards the girls need for classmates, and candies to go with - and no it doesn't go away in middle school, just add $ for sending flowers or candy to various "hotties" in class via student body fundraiser . . .

Muskyboy said...

Muskymomma and I celebrated Valentine's Day by me working until 10 PM and coming home while she was sleeping. Good Stuff!!!