I recently installed Disqus for comments on this blog. I did it because Disqus can help solve a couple problems I've had for a long time. That is, I forget where the hell I commented and I forget to check for responses. I want to go to a single place and track where it is that I've commented, and get an Email when someone responds. And now, I can do that - at least for all blogs that use Disqus. Check out my Disqus profile here.
Some blogs have the Email feature, including Blogger (if you use your Blogger\Google identity). But not all. I'm me, one person, I should control how I recieve comments come in, not the writer or publisher of some blog.
However, even as the evolution towards portable comments is happening, I'm seeing a different trend. Many responses form Blog posts are coming in the form of other blog posts and tweets. So I'm begging Disqus to write a Twitter bot of some kind to allow people to tag tweets (and link to the appropriate conversation, possibly in Quotably) to link back to those in comments.
That is all. Goodbye.